Saturday, January 23, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Seems to have lots of potential, but isn't perfect yet. This seems like it was done in Illustrator or Flash, if so, I'd recommend using the line tool to draw your basic shapes and then curve them with the selection/free transform tool (if that doesn't work, use the subselection tool to move the handles and anchor points). This will make all your lines smoother. After all, The pencil tool has a bad habit of making things look messier than intended.

    It would also be a good idea to check if your program can adjust line thickness. I know it seems like a little detail, but it really adds depth to pictures that would otherwise look flat. Check if this option is in the properties panel (if it exists).

    And my last piece of advice would be to add highlights and shadows to the sides of each form (the hair, face, helmet, horns, etc). This would really make it 'pop' and give it 3-dimentinal depth. Shadows can also really give it attitude depending on where they're placed.

    At the moment I'd say it's good, but not quite there yet.

    Good luck :)
