Friday, January 15, 2010



1.Describe Helvetica – what are some core visual characteristics of the
Fits together tightly, smooth, clean, efficient, official, not fancy, doesn’t ‘pop’ off of the page, sans serif.

2. Provide a brief history of the typeface. What was so different about Helvetica from other typefaces?

Made in 1957, in Munchenstein, Switzerland by Max Miedinger. The font was formerly called Die Neue Haas Grotesk but changed to Helvetica to better sell in America. Neutral, no meaning in it’s self, just in the words themselves.

3. Choose one of the people in the film who supported Helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Proportions are just right, wouldn’t be able to improve the font. It makes you feel like all your problems melt away/don’t exist when your stressed.

4. Choose one of the people in the film who dislikes Helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Erik S. Overused and unnoticed doesn’t have good spacing, it’s a default and you can’t get rid of it. The spacing needs to be perfect to make it look normal. Not unique.

5. Having just watched an entire documentary devoted to a single typeface, what is your position on Helvetica? Explain.

Kinda pretty.Smooth, goes with anything and everything. I’m glad that Times
New Roman is not in the place of Helvetica.

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