Friday, January 15, 2010

Helvetica Questions-TN

1. Describe Helvetica – what are some core visual characteristics of the font?
It's modern, clear, works for everything, neutral, and clean. It has very good proportions.

2. Provide a brief history of the typeface. What was so different about Helvetica from other typefaces?
After the war there was a feeling of idealism, they were looking for rational typefaces that could be applied to anything. Helvetica was developed in Munchenstein, Switzerland, by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann in 1957. They were making grotesque typeface more modern. Originally it was called Die Neue Haas Grotesk, but then they changed the name so they could use it in North America. It was to be called Helvetsia which is the Latin name of Switzerland, but they changed it to Helvetica which meant the Swiss typeface.

3. Choose one of the people in the film who supported Helvetica, explain his/her argument.
Wim Crouwel- The proportions would be really difficult to improve because they are just so good and right.
Leslie Savan- “The government loves it. It’s neutral, smooth, clean, efficient, accountable, and transparent. There is a perfect push and pull of letters.”
Dimitri Bruni- “Even if you're not a good designer, if you use helvetica for a flyer it will still look good.”
Other arguments:
-American Apparel uses it and it seems cheeky, and American Airlines uses it and it looks professional
-It still looks fresh even though it’s been used for over 50 years.
-Not using it is like going to MacDonald’s and not thinking about food…we use it because it’s there.
-It’s clear and readable, straightforward.

4. Choose one of the people in the film who dislike Helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Erik Spiekermann (I think…the one with glasses)- “It’s become a default font. All the letters look the same- it’s like having all people be the same. “
Stefan Sagmeister- “Boring“
David Carson (?)- A good font is simple, clean and powerful. Helvetica is simple clean and boring.

Other arguments:
-Less effective because it’s used so often.
-Because it’s been used so much it has created a myth that it’s better than other fonts, and it seems like there is a need for it to be used.

5.Having just watched an entire documentary devoted to a single typeface, what is your position on Helvetica? Explain.
I like Helvetica. I never noticed that it was used so often. It’s really plain and simple. I like how it can be used for two completely different things and still appeal to customers. I like clean and readable fonts, and that’s what Helvetica is.

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