Friday, January 22, 2010

Helvetica - by JS

1. Describe Helvetica – what are some core visual characteristics of the font?

Some core visual characteristics of Helvetica are that it’s simple, have smooth and clean lines, and efficient (can be used in A LOT of places, e.g., street signs, commercial use, used by the U.S government).

2. Provide a brief history of the typeface. What was so different about Helvetica from other typefaces?

In 1957, Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann created Helvetica in Switzerland. The initial name for this font was Neue Haas Grotesk, but its name changed to Helvetica, from Helvetia which is the Latin name for Swiss. The font went international in 1961.

What I think is different about Helvetica is that it is very neutral and seems to be designed to NOT stand out. -_- It is so boring-looking that when people read something in Helvetica, they don’t notice the style of the font but they quickly see what the words mean and the message is quickly delievered. It also goes with anything, anywhere.

3. Choose one of the people in the film who supported helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Michael C. Place supported Helvetica by saying that it is a “Beautiful font,” He enjoys using it in different ways when working on projects. He said, “It’s simple and plain but can be used in many different ways.”

4. Choose one of the people in the film who dislikes helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Erik Spiekermann stated, “Like air, it’s just there,” to explain how Helvetica is overly used. He commented that the spacing in the font isn’t good, for example, the word ‘unnoticed’. He noted that Helvetica has become a default font and that it’s too plain. He also commented that there are many fonts out there that are better than Helvetica.

5. Having just watched an entire documentary devoted to a single typeface, what is your position on Helvetica? Explain.

I don’t have much of an opinion about fonts but I agree with Spiekermann about how the font is really boring and plain. I like very neutral and modern looking designs so I like Helvetica. And I think that using a neutral and clean-cut font like Helvetica is a really good idea in commercial use because the font is very ‘normal’ and not too girly, childish, or antique-looking.

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