Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Course Outline

This is an intermediate studio seminar in graphic design. The course includes in-depth explorations of contemporary and historical graphic designs in context, and an emphasis on skill development.

Skills covered will include: typography, layout, illustration, branding, posters, image manipulation and compositing, book and magazine design, package design, print technologies, project management, and special effects.

As the majority of the coursework takes place in class, consistent attendance and work habits are required.

The Curriculum covers the following broad areas within the framework of graphic design:

Communication Technology Fundamentals

Communication Technology Skills

Technology, the Environment, and Society

Professional Practice and Career Opportunities


Course Content is posted on the class blog. Be sure to check daily. 11graphicdesign.blogspot.com


Units are compact. At least 2 of the finished pieces during the year must have been created for a real client.


(3 weeks)

Design Principles and Elements, Graphic Design Fundamentals


(5 weeks)

Digital Photography, drawing, illustration, Vector Illustration, Posters


(5 weeks)

Typography terms and identification, Type Design, Layout and book design


(1 week)



(4 weeks)

Public Service Announcements, Ethics, Demographics, Adbust


(2 weeks)

Hand made collage, cutting, assembling, lettering, Zine 1

Summative Part 1

(3 weeks)

Self-Promotion identity kit and portfolio


(2 weeks)

printing technologies, prepress, standards,


(3 weeks)

Graphic design for packaging


(1 week)

5 pieces

Summative Part 2

(4 weeks)

A client


Sketchbook (preferably grid) – these will be collected on a biweekly basis

Pencils, white gum erasers, good quality pencil crayons, markers, pens, compass, ruler, glue

Memory Stick Students are required to keep a USB memory stick with at least 1GB for the course. These must be backed up on a weekly basis. Lost memory sticks are not accepted as a reason for missing work.

Optional supplies:

Digital Camera



inks and watercolours

Mark Breakdown

Exercises 10

Projects 50

Written Work and Tests 10

Summative 30


No copyrighted images are to be used in this course. Any work submitted containing copyrighted work will be given an automatic zero and subjected to school plagiarism policy. Creative Commons imagery is permissible provided it is significantly altered to the context. Just do your own work.

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