Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Portfolio (150 marks total)

For your summative you will be creating a portfolio of your work from this year. You will be selecting 10 images minimum and 15 maximum.This will include a new work that you have created specifically for the summative. You may submit your portfolio electronically (powerpoint, PDF, flickr slideshow etc...) or in a physical form (book, portfolio etc...)

Your portfolio will include
10 pieces of which at least one must be a newly generated image. These may include field assignments, fonts, layouts, or any work you have generated this year.
Design Statement
Cover Page
New Images
Annotations for each image

Design Statement (20)

You will be writing a 1-2 paragraph artist statement describing your design approach. The artist statement should reflect your interests, approaches, and personality. Though not necessarily formal, it should be well written and carefully edited.

Cover Page (10)
Your cover page must includ your name and the date. It must be formatted in the same way as the rest of your images. Beyond that, any design or photography you use on the cover is optional.

New Piece and Zine (60)
Create a new piece to include in your portfolio. This might be a field assignment or another piece of your choice. Include your two page spread from the zine and your cover.

Annotations (10)
Annotations will contain title, media, date, and dimensions for each piece. These can be arranged either with the pieces themselves or as a separate page. If your work has any noteworthy feature or idea, you may wish to describe it briefly in the annotation.

Roughs (10)
Submit rough work for at least 2 of your pieces.

Questions (20)
Choose your favorite three pieces and answer the following questions for each:

1. Briefly describe the work visually: colour, composition, elements and principles.
2. What is your piece about?
3. What techniques and tools did you use? Be specific.
4. Why is this your favorite piece? Explain.
Portfolio (20)
Gather your work and format it so that it all faces the same way and uses a consistent size, framing, and position. Place your works in an order that you feel would impress a prospective school or jury.

Remember that the quality of your portfolio itself (consistency, clarity of design, layout)will either enhance or undermine your work according to how well-executed it is.


  1. Graphic Design Software for Mac Graphic Design Software on Mac OS X like Corel Painter, Illustrator CS6, MyBrushes are those Best Graphic Design Software for Mac OS X.
