Tuesday, February 2, 2010


1. My alarm ring at 8:27am making the most obnoxious tweeting sound.

2. Lie in bed debating whether or not I should get up and turn it off.
3. Without even opening my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and hit my alarm clock to turn it off.
4. Turn around and go back to bed and throw the covers over my head.
5. Fall back to sleep for another 5 minutes that feels like half an hour until I hear my mom call my name.
6. I know she’ll get mad if I don’t get up, so I pull myself out of bed.
7. I saunter to the washroom and turn on the lights to a low dim. Still too early to have bright lights shining.
8. Open the top drawer and pull out Crest Complete toothpaste and then grab my toothbrush.
9. Run my toothbrush under lukewarm water and then squeeze toothpaste on tooth bristles.
10. Brush my teeth for two minutes. 30 seconds for each side.
11. Rinse. Floss. Rinse.
12. Put the cap back on the toothpaste and push all the toothpaste to the end.
13. Put everything back in its place and go in my washroom downstairs so my family can have the upstairs washroom.
14. Pull back hair and wash face.
15. Shake eyeliner and put a thin line on top and bottom of each eye.
16. Go upstairs to my bedroom and pick out an outfit and put it on.
17. Go past the washroom and bang on the door telling my brother to get out of the shower.
18. Go back downstairs to my washroom and put on one spray of perfume.
19. Run back upstairs, pour a bowl of cereal for my brother and then add milk.
20. Yell at him to hurry up and then he yells something back. (Not usually the nicest things.)
21. Put my coat on with a pairs of matching shoes/boots.
22. Call shotgun, go out to the car and wait.
23. Honk the horn.
24. Brother gets in the backseat and hits me on the head.
25. And then we drive off, already late for school.

And that’s why I hate mornings...


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