Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Field Assignments Expansion Pack

Field Assignments Add-on

  1. A Gorgeous Graph: make a super attractive graph

  2. Make A Stamp: Make a rubber (or any other useable material) stamp and stamp something

  3. Try Bookbinding: No staples or glue

  4. Kuler: Create a colour pallette (name each colour) and upload it somewhere

  5. Laser Cutting and spot varnishing: Cut and varnish an existing graphic so that it looks better.

  6. Colossal Serif: make serif-based lettering that is bigger than your body

  7. Light Painting: Do a long exposure with a camera and draw with light

  8. Warning: Create a warning sign for a uniquely contemporary problem

  9. Algorithm: Develop an algorithm and implement it (computer or real-world)

  10. Colouring Book: Create an illustration for a colouring book

  11. Miniature drama: engage figurines in some kind of dramatic situation and create a comic or video

  12. Panorama Whodunnit: Create a mystery mise en scene and encapsulate it in a panorama

  13. Sign Painter: Try to replicate an existing typeface using paint and a brush.

  14. 2 sided: Create a 2 sided illustration that juxtaposes the front and the back image

  15. Compass, Protractor and ruler: Create an illustration using only a compass, protractor and ruler.

  16. Tangled Type: draw or illustrate some typography that is completely tangled

  17. Bookish: Find and describe the most beautiful book you have ever seen

  18. Packaged: Make a paper package for a small thing

  19. Pixels: Make and use something as a pixel

  20. Secret Code Machine: Develop a coder/decoder ring

  21. Scandal: Using a found family or friend photo, write a scandalous article

  22. The Swiss: Do something that looks swiss

  23. Super tiny: Create the smallest lettering or imagery possible

  24. Repair a memory: use a family photograph and remove the embarassment

  25. Brand a friend

  26. Site-specific camouflage: make an image that perfectly matches its context

  27. Gourmet McD's: Create a menu for your favourite fast-food restaurant to look like a high end restaurant.

  28. Design Nerds: Follow a graphic design blog for a week and write about it

  29. Draw with media that wasn't intended for use as a drawing material

  30. Pointalism: Using a pin (or other pointy object) create a design on plain paper

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

panda- RL


Completed work

1. paper fetish
2. complaint
3. shaddows
4. Norse Star logo 1
5. Norse star logo 2
6. tech branded

Demolish a font - JH

Wingdings is stupid and I hate it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stuff I did - JH

  • Field Assignment - Stencil (yellow)

  • Field Assignment - You Are Here (red dot)

  • Field Assignment - Public (collage)
  • Field Assignment - Demolish a font (wingdings)

  • Viking Logo

  • Astro Bear design

Completed Work SL

Paper Fetish
Letraset (in sketchbook)
Comic Mash-up
Quick Sketch (in sketchbook)
Stuffed Bear Template
Viking Logo (in Sketchbook)
Complaint ("the way it should be"/yet to be installed)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tech Rebranding Poster - AG/BK

Completed Work

1. Spaghetti Os Field Assignment
2. Forgery Field Assignment
3. Typographic Tattoo Field Assignment
4. Helvetica Assignment
5. Viking Logo
6. Stuffed Animal

Completed Work-TN

1.Comic Mashup
4.Helvetica Questions
6.Stuffed Animal
7.Viking Logo

Sunday, February 7, 2010

JY - Completed Work


1. Forgery Field Assignment
2. Stencil Field Field Assignment
3. Paper Fetish Field Assignment
4. Viking Logo Assignment
5. Stuffed Animal Assignment
6. Helvetica Assignment

Helvetica - JY

1. Describe Helvetica – what are some core visual characteristics of the font?

Helvetica is a neutral font that looks very simple. It is clean, clear, and has smooth lines, which is why it is mostly used in North America.

2. Provide a brief history of the typeface. What was so different about Helvetica from other typefaces?

Helvetica was created in 1957 by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann in Munchenstein, Switzerland. This was created after the war, wanting a rational typeface that could be used in many different and intelligible ways. This font was originally called Die Neue Haas Grotesk in Switzerland but changed in the 60’s to Helvetica, which is what we still call today, when the font reached to the international market as well.

3. Choose one of the people in the film who supported Helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Michael Bierut was one of the people in the film who supported Helvetica. He compared the typefaces used in the 50s and Helvetica and showed how effective Helvetica is. He says that everything before Helvetica was designed was dusty and crappy looking. He also said, “…that must have been like you crawled through a desert with your mouth just caped with filthy dust and then someone offers you a clear, refreshing, distilled, icy glass of water that kind of clear away all this horrible…kind of like…burden of history. It must have been fantastic….”

4. Choose one of the people in the film who dislike Helvetica, explain his/her argument.

Eric Spiekermann finds that Helvetica has lost its individuality and that there seems to be almost like a clone version of it called Arial. It’s a default font and it is too plain. To him, all the letters look the same. He also said, “Most people use Helvetica because it’s ubiquitous. It’s like going to McDonalds instead of thinking about food. Because it’s there, it’s on every corner, so let’s eat crap because it’s on the corner.”

5.Having just watched an entire documentary devoted to a single typeface, what is your position on Helvetica? Explain.

If I had not watched this movie, I would have never realized how often it was used. In a way I do like it but I would also have to agree with Eric Spiekermann that it’s become a default font that I don’t even pay attention to it much. I do prefer having different typefaces used more often rather than just sticking with Helvetica all the time. It wouldn’t hurt to take a risk.

WCI logo design -CF

Rough sketch of my logo design

LE Final Projects

1. Field Assignment- You are here* [Planets]
2. Field Assignment- Specific Routine* [I Hate Mornings!!]
3. Field Assignment- Natural Leters* [LiveLoveLaugh]
4. WCI Logo- Shield/Helmet (Done, but scanner isn't working, but will hand in first class after weekend)
5. Helvetica Questions- Concept Backdrop
6. Stuffed Animal Layout- MOOSE





Saturday, February 6, 2010

Peace JB

this is made from: carrots, almonds, red pepper, corn meal, parsley, apple, pineapple, spiral pasta, banana, parsnip, red quinoa, and doritos

Paper Fetish - JY

WCI Logo - JY

Friday, February 5, 2010

shadow -CF

Done in paint tool SAI

stencil -CF

This was done by hand...and is based off a picture of Brianna

10 minute sketch -CF

This is Nicole....its very rough...and messed up.....-ignore-
T.F. Work:

Helvetica Assignment
Stencil Field Field Assignment
Nutrition Facts Field Assignment
Tatoo Field Assignment
Viking Logo (partially completed)
Concept, Backdrop
2 News Paper Articles


Partial Viking Logo (not finished yet)

wci logo DS (new version)

I decided to improve on my old logo.

J.B WCI logo (black background)

J.B WCI Logo

FOR ART - please FULLVIEW!!! - Boxy by lindsay bell+nicole novenski+vanessa kane