Sunday, November 29, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Stencil - JH

Forgery - MC

Tiny Book - JS

Love Diary - Quotes, Notes, Photos, Doodles, and More

The girl on the front cover and the boy on the back cover are supposed to be hugging each other :P

Comic Mashup-TN

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wood Tech rebranded - DS, VK, AS

Made by Photoshop CS4, special thanks to Dustin, Vanessa, and Andy for contributing

Dan Mousseau- LETRASET

A Birthday Card for Braydon, using only LETRASET

Field Assignment #1- Spaghetti O's

Friend Portrait DS

I drew a protrait of andy in 3 minutes

Personal Map - AG


Monday, November 23, 2009

Friend Portrait - AS

I drew Dustin in less than 1 minute...

The Way It Should Be by SL

Paper Fetish by SL

Field Assignment #1

Draw Your Friend In 10 Minutes Or Less
"Sam Braun" by Hannah Kunert

Field Assignment

Draw Your Friend in 10 Minutes or Less
 "Sam Braun" by Hannah Kunert

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Graphic Design Field Assignments 1

Carry out any one of the following assignments every two weeks. All work must be your own.

  1. Paper Fetish – a piece that uses/emphasises the qualities of paper
  2. Letraset – Create a composition using only letraset
  3. Signage – Create and install a sign in a public location for a good purpose
  4. Complaint – create and install a complaint at the site where it is relevant
  5. Postcard – create and send a postcard to a classmate
  6. Typographic Tattoo – Create a tattoo design worthy of a typophile
  7. Tiny Book – create a tiny, bound book
  8. Dance Moves – Design a graphic for a new dance move
  9. Instruction – Create an instruction for a routine that only you do
  10. Nutrition Facts – create and install a nutrition facts label in a context that could use it
  11. Calligraphy – try calligraphy
  12. Stencil – Create a photo-based stencil
  13. You are here – create an explanatory plaque for an obscure location
  14. Pulp – Make some paper
  15. Comic Mashup – reorganize the plot of an existing comic
  16. Forgery – Create a convincing replica of someone else's handwriting. Present the original as well.
  17. Found Lettering – Create a photo-based ransom note
  18. Made Lettering – Make a word or short statement using only found materials
  19. Defend a font – champion your favorite font
  20. Demolish a font – critique, attack, and otherwise skewer a font that you hate
  21. Spaghetti Os – Make and photograph a statement using edible letters
  22. Illustrate this – create an illustration of a close friend in under 10 minutes
  23. Personal Map – make a map for someone
  24. Public - Create a collage using public event posters
  25. Golden Mean - Find two objects whose shape relative to one another fits the golden ratio
  26. Blindness – Modify an existing package to be useable for a blind person
  27. Shadows – Create an illustration using shadows
  28. Humiliating pattern – create a fabric or wallpaper pattern that speaks to humiliation

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009